
Getting started

We are assuming you already installed Kpop. The easiest way to start is to simply type the following command on the terminal:

$ kpop shell

This will start a Python session with all basic Kpop functionality available. It also also tries to load all population files in the current directory, so they become easily available.

The kpop shell is just a convenience method of starting a IPython shell with a few useful imports:

This is useful for interactive and exploratory work. However, for more serious jobs you probably should make those imports manually and avoid the start import in the first line.

Basic Kpop concepts

You notice that most of Kpop interactions go through two main object types: kpop.Individual and kpop.Population. Let us start with the first of these two, kpop.Individual, which represent single individuals by their corresponding genotypes.


An kpop.Individual instance behaves basically as a list of genotype values. Kpop represents genotypes by numbers, where zero is used to encode missing data and numbers above one represent each allele. We can start a new individual by constructing it from a list of pairs of numbers:

>>> ind = Individual([[1, 1], [1, 2], [2, 2], [1, 2]])

This is a genotype with 4 loci of biallelic data. You might expect it behave just as a list of genotypes for each locus. It accepts Python indexing, slicing and iteration:

>>> ind[0]
array([1, 1], dtype=uint8)
>>> [(1 in locus) for locus in ind]
[True, True, False, True]

kpop.Individual objects can also be inspected in several ways.

>>> ind.num_loci, ind.ploidy, ind.is_biallelic
(4, 2, True)

You should use the autocomplete feature of Kpop’s shell to discover more attributes. Just type ind. and hit the <tab> key to see a list of completions. Some of those options are methods (you will notice it by the open-close parens at the end of their names). In order to get help on the methods behavior and signature, just use the ? helper as bellow

>>> ind.breed?                                                  
Signature: ind.breed(other, id=None, **kwargs)
Breeds with other individual.
Creates a new genotype in which features are selected from both
File:      ~/git/bio/kpop/src/kpop/individual.py
Type:      method

You will notice that if you print an Individual in the terminal it will shown with the following notation

>>> ind
Individual('ind: 11 12 22 12')

This is actually a different way to construct kpop.Individual instances. The first part in the string before the column is a label used to identify the given individual and everything on the right hand side is its genotype.

Let us create a second individual to interact with the first.

>>> ind2 = Individual('ind2: 22 11 12 12')
>>> ind2.breed(ind)                                             
Individual('ind2_: 21 12 12 12')

Of course, handling a handful of individuals is not very useful. Let us create a list of individuals by drawing samples from an specific probability. First, define a list of probabilities for each allele in each loci

>>> freqs = [[0.1, 0.9], [0.5, 0.5], [0.9, 0.1], [0.5, 0.5]]

Now we can create a random individual using the from_freqs method of the Individual class

>>> random_ind = Individual.from_freqs(freqs)

... and now we create a bunch:

>>> list_of_individuals = []
>>> for _ in range(10):
...     new_ind = Individual.from_freqs(freqs)
...     list_of_individuals.append(new_ind)


Now that we have a bunch of individuals, we can make a population. Of course we could use the list of individuals directly, but Kpop provides the much more convenient kpop.Population type to represent a group of individuals.

>>> popA = Population(list_of_individuals, id='A')
>>> popA                                                        
  ind1: 22 21 12 22
  ind2: 22 11 11 21
  ind3: 22 11 11 21
  ind4: 22 11 11 21
  ind5: 22 11 11 12
  ind6: 22 22 11 21
  ind7: 22 11 11 21
  ind8: 22 21 11 22
  ind9: 22 12 11 12
 ind10: 22 22 11 21

We created the Population object from a list of individuals and gave it an optional label. The label is used to identify the population in several different contexts such as clustering, plotting, etc.

Just like kpop.Individual instances, kpop.Population objects have many associated methods and attributes. You can explore it by typing popA. and hitting the <tab> key (you will notice it is way more complex than Individual instances).

In population genetics we are usually interested in comparing different populations rather than different individuals in the same population. We can easily create a new random population using the Population.make_random function:

>>> popB = Population.random(10, num_loci=4, id='B')

This will create a new population with 10 individuals and 4 loci. Now, let us compose this population with the previous one by creating a new generation that breeds individuals from the first population with the second

>>> popC = popA.simulation.breed(popB, size=15, id='C')

We can combine all sub-populations into a single population containing all individuals by simply adding the population objects together

>>> pop_all = popA + popB + popC

This creates a kpop.MultiPopulation object which behaves essentially as a Population, but keeps track of sub-structuring.


Kpop implements a few visualization methods through the Population.plot attribute. The population.plot.? namespace has methods for dimensionality reduction (such as PCA),



Admixture analysis is the task of estimating the admixture coefficients of each individual in a population. This is the main concern of programs such as Structure and ADMIXTURE.


All dimensionality reduction methods from the above section are implemented in the population.projection namespace. Those methods provide the raw data for dimensionality reduction and may be useful in contexts other than data visualization.



Clusterization is the task of spliting data into separate groups without providing a training set on correct classifications. This is often refered as “unsupervised learning”. Notice here that “unsupervised” does not mean “completely independent of human intervention” since almost all clustering algorithms requires some sort of tuning.

Kpop provides a few methods for performing clustering of individuals. They are all implemented under the population.cluster namespace.



Differently from clustering, a supervised classification task learns from a dataset in which all items are classified with a corresponding label. A classification task is useful when it can generalize this mapping to data points outside of the training set.

In Population genetics this often maps to the sittuation in which we have a group of individuals with known parental populations and we want to classify additional specimens into one of those populations. Notice it is different from admixture analysis that tries to infer the fractions of DNA belonging to each parental population. Here the classification is sharp: the individual is said to belong to a single parental population.

All classification methods live under the population.classification namespace.